As The Money Burns

Dame Rumor

Episode Summary

Deceptions run high as another divorce is announced and a grand home re-opens. Can’t these people get their stories straight already? September 27th – October 14th, 1932, a divorce rumor spreads far and wide as involves one of the Mdivani siblings getting a divorce. But is it true, and if is so who? In other news, E.T. Stotesbury heads back to the United States on the maiden voyage of the Italian ocean liner Rex, but Mrs. Eva Stotesbury doesn’t arrive with him. Another Mdivani ends up in court. Other people and subjects include: Doris Duke, Barbara Hutton, Cobina Wright, William May Wright, Prince Alexis Mdivani, Louis Van Alen, James “Henry” Van Alen, William “Sam” Van Alen, James H.R. Cromwell aka “Jimmy,” Oliver “Tony” Cromwell, Prince Serge Mdivani, Princess Mary McCormic Mdivani, formerly Princess Pola Negri Mdivani, Rudolph Valentino, Prince David Mdivani, Princess Mae Murray Mdivani, Princess Nina Mdivani Huberich, Princess Roussadana “Roussie” Mdivani Sert, Josep Maria Sert, Alva Vanderbilt Belmont, Frederick Prince, Michael Luddy, Marjorie Berger, General Pershing, Italian Premier Il Deuce Benito Mussolini, New York mayor James “Jimmy” Walker, President Herbert Hoover, FDR – Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Sam Insull, Ivar Kreuger, Caldwell & Company, 1932 presidential election, Ponzi schemes, Lionel Robbins, 1930s economic meltdown, great depression vs the Great Depression term, oil ventures, charter plane, air travel, ocean liner, Blue Riband, Nord Deutscher Llyod – North German Lloyd, Rex, Conte di Savoia, Bremen, Europa, Ile de France, Normandie, Aquitania, Olympic, Majestic, the Titanic, Whitemarsh Hall, Sutton Club, New York, Marble House, Ritz-Carlton, Genoa, Trieste, Gibraltar, Paris, Delaware River, Chicago, suicide, earthquake in Greece, World War II bombing, rumors, divorce, truth, public overly romantic lives, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, unconscious coupling, Gwynneth Paltrow, Cold Play Chris Martin, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry, Olivier Martinez, Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith Archival Music provided by Past Perfect Vintage Music,

Episode Notes

Deceptions run high as another divorce is announced and a grand home re-opens. Can’t these people get their stories straight already?

September 27th – October 14th, 1932, a divorce rumor spreads far and wide as involves one of the Mdivani siblings getting a divorce. But is it true, and if is so who? In other news, E.T. Stotesbury heads back to the United States on the maiden voyage of the Italian ocean liner Rex, but Mrs. Eva Stotesbury doesn’t arrive with him. Another Mdivani ends up in court.

Other people and subjects include: Doris Duke, Barbara Hutton, Cobina Wright, William May Wright, Prince Alexis Mdivani, Louis Van Alen, James “Henry” Van Alen, William “Sam” Van Alen, James H.R. Cromwell aka “Jimmy,” Oliver “Tony” Cromwell, Prince Serge Mdivani, Princess Mary McCormic Mdivani, formerly Princess Pola Negri Mdivani, Rudolph Valentino, Prince David Mdivani, Princess Mae Murray Mdivani, Princess Nina Mdivani Huberich, Princess Roussadana “Roussie” Mdivani Sert, Josep Maria Sert, Alva Vanderbilt Belmont, Frederick Prince, Michael Luddy, Marjorie Berger, General Pershing, Italian Premier Il Deuce Benito Mussolini, New York mayor James “Jimmy” Walker, President Herbert Hoover, FDR – Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Sam Insull, Ivar Kreuger, Caldwell & Company, 1932 presidential election, Ponzi schemes, Lionel Robbins, 1930s economic meltdown, great depression vs the Great Depression term, oil ventures, charter plane, air travel, ocean liner, Blue Riband, Nord Deutscher Llyod – North German Lloyd, Rex, Conte di Savoia, Bremen, Europa, Ile de France, Normandie, Aquitania, Olympic, Majestic, the Titanic, Whitemarsh Hall, Sutton Club, New York, Marble House, Ritz-Carlton, Genoa, Trieste, Gibraltar, Paris, Delaware River, Chicago, suicide, earthquake in Greece, World War II bombing, rumors, divorce, truth, public overly romantic lives, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, unconscious coupling, Gwynneth Paltrow, Cold Play Chris Martin, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry, Olivier Martinez, Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith


Extra Notes / Call to Action:
Submit questions to As The Money Burns social media accounts for the upcoming 100th episode.

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Archival Music provided by Past Perfect Vintage Music,
Opening Music: My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands
Section 1 Music: It’s the Talk of the Town by Ambrose, Album The Great Dance Bands Play Hits of the 30s
Section 2 Music: Swingin’ The Blues by Benny Carter & His Orchestra, Album Perfect Blues
Section 3 Music: Says My Heart / You Leave Me Breathless by Carroll Gibbons, Album Elegance
End Music: My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands

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Episode Transcription

Podcast by Nicki Woodard

Episode 096 – Dame Rumor

Financial and divorce rumors
Ocean travel

Series Tag

[Music – My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands]

AS THE MONEY BURNS is an original podcast by Nicki Woodard. Based on historical research, this is a deep exploration into what happened to a set of actual heirs and heiresses to some of America’s most famous fortunes when the Great Depression hits.

Each episode has three primary sections. Section 1 is a narrative story. Section 2 goes deeper into the historical facts. Section 3 focuses on contemporary, emotional, and personal connections.

Story Recap

When Barbara Hutton and Prince Alexis Mdivani are caught in bed together, Louise Van Alen must decide what to do next.



Dame Rumor

[Music Fade Out]

Episode Tag

Deceptions run high as another divorce is announced and a grand home re-opens. Can’t these people get their stories straight already?

[Music – It’s the Talk of the Town by Ambrose, Album The Great Dance Bands Play Hits of the 30s]

Section 1 – Story

[Music Fade Out]

With so much love in the air, rumors flourish brightening the dreary lives of many facing the darkness of the Great Depression.

The subject of such rumors come with flights of fancy and a bit schadenfreude. And of course anything involving fortunes, especially those imploding ones. Then there are the rumors surrounding love. Many fantasize about falling in love, but so rarely do people want to think about the opposite – divorce. But rumors ohhh so love a divorce.

Uh-huh, rumors can be such silly little things. To have any weight or strength, they bare partial truths and partial falsehoods. Only time tells which parts are true. But nothing can keep a “dame rumor” from magnifying as it quickly sweeps far and wide.

Sometimes it can be so hard to tell what is news and what is just a rumor.

Tuesday, September 27th, 1932, Genoa, Italy

Italian Premier Benito Mussolini participates in the celebrations for the maiden voyage of S.S. Rex, an Italian luxury ocean liner which intends to beat transatlantic speed records for passenger-based travel.

Boarding the ship, wealthy financier E.T. “Ned” Stotesbury and his wife Eva Stotesbury are on their way back to their palatial estate Whitemarsh Hall on the outskirts of Philadelphia. Back in June 1932, they had packed up the house and let go a large majority of staff when the Stotesburys headed to Europe. They claim to worry about potential looting, but all those fears seem to be temporarily diminished.

Could this return and re-opening be due to Eva’s son James “Jimmy” H.R. Cromwell’s burgeoning romance with the much younger richest girl in the world Doris Duke this summer in France? Jimmy and family trailed behind the heiress constantly “running into her” from one spot to the next. The promising romance and potential engagement renews hope for the Stotesburys and Jimmy.

Barely out to sea, the Rex encounters engine problems and docks at nearby Gibraltar for repairs. Stotesbury, Eva, and Jimmy along with 1200 more passengers must wait to see when their voyage will continue. With so many needing to get back to life in the United States, the more urgent or possibly spooked 500 will quickly make other arrangements. One mustn’t forget another ill-fated maiden voyage, eh-hem the Titanic.

It takes 3 days to make the necessary repairs, then Rex resumes its maiden voyage.

Speaking of Jimmy, his former World War I lover, the supreme hostess and coloratura soprano opera singer Cobina Wright makes her way back to the States. Last year, she launched a very successful and popular restaurant venture out of her Manhattan brownstone – the Sutton Club. The dinner club had a trail of celebrities and other famous personnages like World War I General Pershing as guests and clientele. As the Sutton Club is seasonal, Cobina closed it and headed to Europe for the summer with intentions to re-open this Fall 1932. She too is hit with rumors back in July 1932 that she might not re-open her club at her home but in a new location. Now as late as September 1932, she can’t wait to hurry back and re-open. Everyone needs and wants more entertainment and distraction. Cobina takes it all in stride as long as there are no rumors about her husband William May Wright’s legal troubles or worse his cheating.

A day after the intended but thwarted date of the Rex arrival date in New York, a rumor breaks out.

Wednesday, October 5th, 1932

The newspapers rush to announce another Mdivani divorce is in the works. The infamous clan of dispossessed Russian princes and princesses are also known as the “Marrying Mdivanis” for making very high profile and wealthy matches.

Each sibling has their own set of charming and seductive traits. But alas, the Mdivani charm lasts as long as their partner’s hefty bank account. When funds deplete, so do their interests.

But just as sensational as their marriages are, their divorces will likely garner even more attention.

So which one will it be now?

Eldest Princess Nina Mdivani Huberich – she is married to a rich American Dutch lawyer who is good at handling all the marital paperwork. Nope, they still need to keep him around.

Prince Serge Mdivani is on his 2nd marriage to songbird Mary McCormick after dumping his previous wife, silverscreen siren of the silent era, and Rudolph Valentino’s almost widow Pola Negri. It seems Pola’s ability to foresee the future did not warn her of the Mdivani powers in emptying bank accounts. Mary is a little better but too is a bit foolish.

Prince David Mdivani is married to multi-hyphenate singer-dancer-actress Mae Murray. Last year in August 1931, the girl with the bee stung lips was stinging from Prince David’s overspending and rougher manners. After a public announcement of separation and potential divorce, they quickly made up a week later. They share the only next generation Mdivani progeny – a son Koran Mdivani.

Princess Roussadana “Roussie” Mdivani Sert is a sculptress married to the famous and one of the best commissioned artists in the world Josep Maria Sert. Recent commissions have led to a very plush lifestyle filled with bohemian and other exotic enchantments.

Lastly, the youngest Prince Alexis Mdivani marries his best friend’s sister and a major Society heiress Louise Van Alen after sponging off that family for nearly a decade. Alas, Prince Alexis has recently been caught in bed with another uber wealthy heiress Barbara Hutton at Roussie and Sert’s estate in Palamos, Spain. Though that remains a secret to most – for now…

And the Mdivani heading to divorce court is none other than, drumroll please…

Prince Serge Mdivani. Ahhh, his opera singer wife Mary seems to be losing her wits especially after her special friend Sam Insull was busted for a large industrial Ponzi scheme and has skipped the country. Insull’s vast wealth and protectively helpful guidance of Mary’s funds was one of her biggest lures for the Mdivani clan. Could the couple’s troubles be related to the recent implosion?

But news indicates Serge and David’s oil venture in Venice, California, is doing quite well, and the brothers are enjoying their success.

Oh well, easy come, easy go. Despite all the public protestations of love and friendship during their early courtship while Serge and Pola divorced, now it seems this second marriage is not working out either. Serge is reportedly living in a hotel, while Mary is being consoled by friends and consulting with her lawyer Michael Luddy.

Wow, go figure.

Only a day later, more news comes…

Thursday, October 6th, 1932, Los Angeles

The couple refute claims of a bust up as “ridiculous” and are very much in love still 17 months into their marriage. The hotel is actually the home where they have both lived together for the last 4 months. The friend consoling Mary is none other than her husband Serge. The rumor went as far as London.

Meanwhile a voyage back to the United States has more unexpected diversions.

Saturday, October 8th, 1932, New York

Successfully crossing the Atlantic, S.S. Rex arrives in New York only 3 hours later than scheduled but still within good promise of breaking future records. Many greet it in celebration after the delays.

Only when the Rex docks, E.T. Stotesbury exits with his granddaughter and her husband. But many are surprised that Mrs. Eva Stotesbury is missing from the plank. She is always easily spotted with her elaborate fancy hats, and who can forget her quite extensive specialty made alligator luggage.

Eva and her son Jimmy did not reboard the Rex in Gibraltar but for other reasons. While waiting for repairs, word reached them to learn that her oldest son Oliver “Tony” Cromwell had to have an emergency operation. Jimmy took charge and booked a quick plane flight to France. It will be the first time Eva ever travels by plane. The mother and son fly to Paris and spend time with Tony then will head back to the United States a few weeks after, once again via ocean liner.

Coincidentally also in Paris at the Ritz-Carlton, the new owner of the Newport cottage Marble House Frederick Prince recently arrived via another ocean liner the Majestic. He will be meeting with Mrs. Belmont, the former Alva Vanderbilt, to negotiate some of the final furnishings from her former summer residence.

All is well for some, but troubles surmount for others.

Friday, October 14th, 1932, Los Angeles

In other Mdivani news, Mae Murray appears in court and declares she’s broke. She owes $725 (that’s $16.2k in 2023) to Marjorie Berger, an income tax expert. The girl with the bee stung lips was once worth several million, but now Mae claims to have no money and to be dependent upon her husband Prince David Mdivani. Kind of ironic as news indicates the brothers are successful in oil, so why can’t David pay her bill? The same David who once declared on a speeding ticket his profession as uhh… husband?

Hmmmm, Mdivanis are good at spending others’ money as they never to seem to have any of their own. When Mae and David married, Rudolph Valentino and Pola Negri served as best man and maid of honor. After Valentino’s death, Pola befriended, married, then divorced Serge. Pola too had once been financially well off until things changed. Serge’s constant overspending was extremely helpful in depleting not rejuvenating finances. David too interferes with several of Mae’s entertainment contracts resulting in diminishing funds.

As the more flush Stotesbury resituates in the United States, he is not pleased and publicly dismisses rumors that he intends to sell his elaborate Whitemarsh Hall mansion. Stotesbury also proclaims his support for incumbent President Herbert Hoover. However maybe Stotesbury would be happier if his stepson Jimmy with his FDR leanings stays abroad until after the upcoming election.

Life goes on whether change occurs or not. But with many more changes ahead, the art of illusion becomes more difficult to maintain.

[Music – Swingin’ The Blues by Benny Carter & His Orchestra, Album Perfect Blues]

Section 2 – History & Historiography

[Music Fade Out]

Within our story, it has now been almost 3 years since the Wall Street Crash on October 29th, 1929. The day when sudden financial reversals occurred worldwide. Even those not immediately effected are eventually engulfed in one of the many domino related occurrences afterwards.

By 3 years, any coverups or diversions no longer work as problems compound. The Ponzi schemes like the Caldwell & Company in the American Midwest, Sweden’s Match King Ivar Kreuger and his vast array of international companies, and now this year 1932 Sam Insull’s energy empire are some of the larger instances. All finally exposed when the shuffling shell game of money collapses and can no longer hide the losses.

More stories appearing around this time also remind us of the impact on individuals. One man distressed over the inability to pay his mortgage of $400 (that would be almost $9k in 2023) fails at his jump into the Delaware River. Another, a former prominent auto man J.E. Morehouse in Chicago is found dead by suicide in his Chicago Loop hotel room. On the dresser, six letters are found. One each to his wife, 3 friends, an undertaker, and lastly to “authorities, coroner or what have you.” Also on the dresser is 48 cents, all the money he had left (today that would be $10.27). The final note explains the why – he is “another victim of the depression.”

Everyone knows something is going wrong. President Hoover and others commonly use the phrase “great depression” – the term in small caps without a definite article “the.” It will be in 1934 when British economist Lionel Robbins writes about the early 1930s economic meltdown and publishes a book titled “The Great Depression.” After that, definite article “the” and the capitalizations of “g” and “d” will become popular and eventually the standard when referring to this period.

On occasion, other news report about troubles unrelated to the Great Depression but will take longer to recover due to the latter. Things like an earthquake in Greece wipes out the homes of 20,000 families on October 10th, 1932. Immediate reports claim 300 deaths with many more unknown and likely buried in the ruins.

Despite all the ongoing gloom in 1932, still surprisingly, hope seems to be returning. In Europe, there is a race to build and dominate the future international ocean travel. Speculations that a positive financial reversal will soon bring a return to better times. France and Italy are rivalling efforts to build the next in state-of-the-art luxury with speedy technological advancement on a grander scale.

The SS Rex previously launches on August 1st, 1931, but is later updated to compete for the Blue Riband – a transatlantic competition for the fastest crossing of a passenger ship, discussed in a previous episode. In recent years, Nord Deutscher Lloyd (or North German Lloyd) has won the accolade with its ships Bremen and Europa.

Italian ships Rex and Conte di Savoia (Savoy - ya) are dubbed the “Riveria afloat” with amenities including some sand in the pools. Each are modified to make for faster transatlantic trips in hopes of securing the Blue Riband for Italy. The Rex is decorated in the Art Deco style, also known then as the “Liner Style” referring to another popular French ship Ile de France. Other elements of the Italian liner are similar to the British Aquitania and Olympic, the latter is a sister ship of the Titanic. Recent publicity for the Rex is setting it up to rival the Majestic. All these other mentioned ships have been covered in other previous episodes.

For the 1932 ceremony, Il Deuce Italian Premier Benito Mussolini proudly launches the upgraded S.S. Rex for its maiden voyage from Genoa to New York. Only the ship had barely left port when problems occurred. It docked in Gibraltar for 3 days of repairs before continuing its journey. The Rex then resumed making the transatlantic trip arriving only 3 hours after its scheduled time and close to the desirable goal of 6 ½ days. The actual Atlantic crossing was to be 4 ½ days.

Due to the delays, half the passengers booked alternate passages not secure that the Rex would be functioning in decent time or make the passage safely. One of those travelers is former New York mayor James “Jimmy” Walker. He jumped to the mainland and booked another passage on the rival German Europa. Walker is concerned about making it back in time for the next mayoral race. Only Walker arrived on the Europa 48 hours after the Rex made it to New York.

The Rex then stays docked in New York for more lengthy repairs before leaving on October 26th, 1932. The Rex makes the return trip from New York to Genoa in 6 ½ days.

In August 1933, Rex will win the Blue Riband with the time of 4 days and 13 hours. A record that will last 2 years until the French ship Normandie breaks it in 1935.

During World War II, both Rex and Conte di Savoia will continue transporting their passengers. However by spring 1940, passages are stopped for safekeeping. Rex is docked at Genoa until the city is bombed then moved to Trieste.

On September 8th, 1944, the Rex is bombed by British RAF. Afterwards, the Rex was listing (tilting to one side) and on fire after 59 rockets and numerous cannon balls hit it. A second attack occurs later that same day. The Rex turns over, burns for 4 days, and eventually sinks in the shallow water. In 1950, Rex will be broken up in situ – meaning breaking apart for parts.

We must always learn to keep rebuilding despite whatever has passed whether good or bad. Hope abounds for a better future, but first a little more passage through darkness. And a hint that even with moments of brightness, other dark times will soon follow.

As such is the cycle of life – hope, disappointment, success, an end, then rebirth as it all happens again.

[Music – Says My Heart / You Leave Me Breathless by Carroll Gibbons, Album Elegance]

Section 3 – Contemporary & Personal Relevance

[Music Fade Out]

What is a rumor? And what is real? Amazing how that question seems to never go away. Of course, there is the saying wherever there is a rumor there seems to be a truth behind it.

Many warn we can never know what is really happening behind closed doors. Though it never fails that once there is a hint of another possibility, speculation inevitably follows.

Divorce is a many splendored thing. Just the hint of divorce in the air can instigate rumors and speculation. Any celebrity marriage will be overly dissected by the public, and that is even more so when the couple like to overly profess and publicly display their grand romance, fantastic connection, or worse perfect compatibility. No surprise then, when those relationships show signs of trouble, extra attention brings more probing.

There are plenty of relationships plagued with rumors of dissolution long before they happen. And there are several others that appear perfect up until the end, and then the nastiness comes out.

When someone makes it their business to be so public about their lives, they shouldn’t be too surprised when rumors and criticism comes with it. Yet again, one of the prime examples of this is Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Lessons can be gleaned from the dignified conscious uncoupling of Gwynneth Paltrow and Cold Play’s Chris Martin to the never-ending battle between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie which took 7 years. And now the more recent final divorce settlement between Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez – 8 years later. Others include those with reality shows and Instagram accounts.

And it seems every month, and especially now that we are embarking on the holiday season there will be multiple announcements of celebrity marriages imploding. Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner’s divorce looks potentially very dirty.

And now 18 months after the slap heard around the world, new information is coming out about Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith from Jada herself.

When glamour, money, and celebrity get together then implode, there will always be a hunger for more information. Our young heirs and heiresses should heed the warning. With their large bank accounts, everyone is watching.

Can you believe it? This is the 96th episode of As The Money Burns, which means we are just 4 episodes away from 100!!! Thanks for continually tuning in and being on this journey. Let me know if you have any questions you would like me to answer by reaching out to any of the social media accounts @asthemoneyburns at Instagram, Facebook, and X – formerly Twitter.

The holiday season is upon us. First with Halloween then Thanksgiving, Christmas, and ending with Valentine’s Day. If you are interested in having some fun apparel and items for either gifts or just to perk yourself up, check out MonsterGal Designs Lab at Etsy. This crazy lab is constantly making new creations with fun monster themes.

Links in the notes and transcript. That’s MonsterGal Designs Lab on Etsy.

If you enjoy As The Money Burns, then please share, like, & subscribe.


[Music – My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands]

Next when we return to AS THE MONEY BURNS…

One couple deals with more betrayal when litigation publicly reveals financial secrets.

Until then…


AS THE MONEY BURNS is an original podcast written, produced, and voiced by Nicki Woodard, based on historical research. Archival music has been provided by Past Perfect Vintage Music, check out their website at

Please come visit us at As The Money Burns via Goodpods, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, or Instagram. Transcripts, timeline, episode guide, and character bios are available at
