As The Money Burns

Moss Covered

Episode Summary

Another set of divorce rumors and scandal abound as another lover has been found. Late February to early March, John Jacob Astor VI, aka “Jakey,” and his mother Madeleine Talmage Force Astor Dick are forever covered in the press due to their surviving the Titanic. Their love lives become a fascination for the public as rumors abound surrounding pending marriages and divorces. Jakey is rumored to be engaged to Italian Princess Donna Cristina Torlonia, but both. But there is another hidden scandal about to surface with his mother Madeleine Talmage Force Astor Dick. Other people and subjects include: Vincent Astor, Prince Serge Obolensky, Ava Alice Muriel Astor Obolensky Hofmannsthal, Marjorie Merriweather Post Hutton, E.T. Stotesbury, Enzo Fiermonte, Princess Donna Cristina Torlonia (Christina, Cristiana, Christiana), Prince Don Marino Torlonia of Italy, Elsie Moore, William Dick, William Force Dick, John Henry Dick, William Force, Katherine Force, Katherine Talmage, Cholly Knickerbocker, John Jacob Astor IV aka Colonel Jack, Caroline Astor, Ava Lowle Willing Astor Ribblesdale, Charlotte Astor Drayton, Prince David – King Edward VIII – Duke of Windsor, Gloria Vanderbilt, Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, Viscountess Thelma Morgan Furness, Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, Countess Grace Vanderbilt Szechenyi, Alva Vanderbilt Belmont, Harold “Mike” Vanderbilt, Joshua Cosden, Margaret “Unsinkable Molly” Brown, Chicago mayor William “Big Bill” Hale Thompson, actress Billie Burke Ziegfeld, President Franklin Roosevelt, Benito Mussolini, Social Register, debutante, childhood sweethearts, widowhood, will stipulations, social climbing, rumors, scandal, counter rumor, antiquated rumor, social approval, social rejection, disaster magnet, marriage, divorce, remarriage, young lovers, old lovers, illegitimate, age difference, typhoid, the grip illness, issues with spellings and alternate spellings, Nourmahal yacht, ocean liners, Aquitania, Olympic, Titanic, Vulcania, Breakers Hotel – Breakers fire, referred but not mentioned El Mirasol and Playa Riente, Harvard, Palm Beach, Los Angeles, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Murray Hill, Fifth Avenue, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Millionaires Row, Paris, Rome, Italian Alps, Galapagos Islands, Egypt, Mediterranean Sea, Europe, fashionable resorts, Hulu FX’s Feud Season 2: Truman Capote vs. The Swans, Truman Capote, William “Bill” Paley, Barbara “Babe” Cushing Paley, sexual scandal, DA Fani Williams, Nathan Wade, former President Donald Trump, secrets, sexual promiscuousness, sexual scandal, hot messiness Archival Music provided by Past Perfect Vintage Music,

Episode Notes

Another set of divorce rumors and scandal abound as another lover has been found.

Late February to early March, John Jacob Astor VI, aka “Jakey,” and his mother Madeleine Talmage Force Astor Dick are forever covered in the press due to their surviving the Titanic. Their love lives become a fascination for the public as rumors abound surrounding pending marriages and divorces. Jakey is rumored to be engaged to Italian Princess Donna Cristina Torlonia, but both. But there is another hidden scandal about to surface with his mother Madeleine Talmage Force Astor Dick.

Other people and subjects include: Vincent Astor, Prince Serge Obolensky, Ava Alice Muriel Astor Obolensky Hofmannsthal, Marjorie Merriweather Post Hutton, E.T. Stotesbury, Enzo Fiermonte, Princess Donna Cristina Torlonia (Christina, Cristiana, Christiana), Prince Don Marino Torlonia of Italy, Elsie Moore, William Dick, William Force Dick, John Henry Dick, William Force, Katherine Force, Katherine Talmage, Cholly Knickerbocker, John Jacob Astor IV aka Colonel Jack, Caroline Astor, Ava Lowle Willing Astor Ribblesdale, Charlotte Astor Drayton, Prince David – King Edward VIII – Duke of Windsor, Gloria Vanderbilt, Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, Viscountess Thelma Morgan Furness, Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, Countess Grace Vanderbilt Szechenyi, Alva Vanderbilt Belmont, Harold “Mike” Vanderbilt, Joshua Cosden, Margaret “Unsinkable Molly” Brown, Chicago mayor William “Big Bill” Hale Thompson, actress Billie Burke Ziegfeld, President Franklin Roosevelt, Benito Mussolini, Social Register, debutante, childhood sweethearts, widowhood, will stipulations, social climbing, rumors, scandal, counter rumor, antiquated rumor, social approval, social rejection, disaster magnet, marriage, divorce, remarriage, young lovers, old lovers, illegitimate, age difference, typhoid, the grip illness, issues with spellings and alternate spellings, Nourmahal yacht, ocean liners, Aquitania, Olympic, Titanic, Vulcania, Breakers Hotel – Breakers fire, referred but not mentioned El Mirasol and Playa Riente, Harvard, Palm Beach, Los Angeles, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Murray Hill, Fifth Avenue, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Millionaires Row, Paris, Rome, Italian Alps, Galapagos Islands, Egypt, Mediterranean Sea, Europe, fashionable resorts, Hulu FX’s Feud Season 2: Truman Capote vs. The Swans, Truman Capote, William “Bill” Paley, Barbara “Babe” Cushing Paley, sexual scandal, DA Fani Williams, Nathan Wade, former President Donald Trump, secrets, sexual promiscuousness, sexual scandal, hot messiness


Extra Notes / Call to Action:

Ti’s Hot Mess History, YouTube Channel

Riches to Ruin – Titanic Widow of John Jacob Astor & Her Troubled 3rd Marriage by Ti’s Hot Mess History July 2023

The Scandalous True Story of Titanic’s Wealthiest Passenger – JJ Astor & His Teen Wife by Ti’s Hot Mess History May 2023

The Rich Boy Nobody Wanted: Titanic Baby John Jacob Astor VI by Ti’s Hot Mess History December 2023

Share, like, subscribe


Archival Music provided by Past Perfect Vintage Music,
Opening Music: My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands
Section 1 Music: It’s the Talk of the Town by Ambrose, Album The Great Dance Bands Play Hits of the 30s
Section 2 Music: Lullaby by Coleman Hawkins, Album Nightfall – Sophisticated Jazz Classics
Section 3 Music: Skirts by Billy Cotton, Album The Great Dance Bands Play Hits of the 30s
End Music: My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands

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Episode Transcription

Podcast by Nicki Woodard

Episode 106 – Moss Covered

Scandalous young lovers
Engagement & divorce rumors

Series Tag

[Music – My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands]

AS THE MONEY BURNS is an original podcast by Nicki Woodard. Based on historical research, this is a deep exploration into what happened to a set of actual heirs and heiresses to some of America’s most famous fortunes when the Great Depression hits.

Each episode has three primary sections. Section 1 is a narrative story. Section 2 goes deeper into the historical facts. Section 3 focuses on contemporary, emotional, and personal connections.

Story Recap

While Barbara Hutton travels the South Seas, Prince Alexis Mdivani returns to Paris and is greeted by Louise Van Alen.




[Music Fade Out]

Episode Tag

Another set of divorce rumors and scandal abound as another lover has been found.

[Music – It’s the Talk of the Town by Ambrose, Album The Great Dance Bands Play Hits of the 30s]

Section 1 – Story

[Music Fade Out]

Love makes the world go round, and young lovers spin it even faster and sometimes out of control.

Isn’t it amazing how some people just seem made for scandal? Like they were born into it and thus have it from the get-go?

Well, no one probably fits that description more than the ill-fated Titanic baby, the proud scion John Jacob Astor VI aka Jakey. Conceived under semi-scandal, then survives the major Titanic tragedy in utero, only to be born and forever plagued by scandal.

When it comes to scandal, he hates every minute of it. Yet the press and public alike are fixated on him, endlessly referring to his rather sullen, depressed, and bitter demeanor. Rarely praising and almost always criticizing him.

Jakey wants nothing other than to be left alone to live the good life. To be the epitome of a gentleman like his grandmother the esteemed Gilded Age queen bee Caroline Astor would have been so proud to have in her lineage. Oh, if Caroline was still alive, she would nip these scandals fast. She did not like gossip.

Only no such luck. In fact, her death leads to the beginning of all this scandal.

As the real beginning starts even before the Titanic tragedy and his birth.

For that situation, Jakey really can’t blame anyone but his parents somewhat. His father John Jacob Astor IV waited until his mother Caroline’s death before daring to defy her biggest fear and divorces his acrimonious haughty and beautiful wife Ava Lowle Willing, actually Ava initiated the proceedings. The couple were absolutely miserable with each other, already living separate lives – he in the U.S. with their son Vincent Astor and she already spending large amounts of time in England with their daughter Ava Alice Muriel Astor.

Upon his mother’s death, they gladly parted ways. Now divorce and remarriage had already become acceptable among the 400 with that other Gilded Age queen bee the indomitable Alva Vanderbilt Belmont. Caroline long suffered through her own bad marriage but luckily widowhood had freed her instead. Even though Caroline suffered dementia near the end, Jack held off getting his own freedom. He already had a sister Charlotte Astor Drayton who had caused a big scandal with her indiscreet sexual affair and divorce back in 1892.

When Jack finally won his freedom at the age of 46, he went a bit mad over a very young female barely 18 years old Madeleine Talmage Force. His quick remarriage in less than 2 years of his divorce to a female less than half his age – and dare say younger than his college age son Vincent – became a huge HUGE scandal.

So much so the newlyweds fled for a long-extended honeymoon in Europe and the Middle East, visiting as far as Egypt. They traveled on the ocean liner Olympic to Europe. When young Madeleine became pregnant, the new condition mandated a return to the states. Thus they booked passage upon the Olympic’s sister ship the state of the art luxury liner Titanic’s maiden voyage. After placing Madeleine into a lifeboat, Jack would become the richest man to die in that tragedy on April 15th, 1912.

Jack’s will was strict and limiting. Madeliene got a small cash upfront allowance plus a 5 million trust fund ($141.5 million in 2024) and access to the Astor Fifth Avenue mansion as long as she remained unmarried. Daughter Ava got a nice $10 million (nearly $314 million in 2024), an inheritance which was more than sufficient for her life. Son Vincent inherited the bulk of the fortune which was estimated around $67 million (today in 2024 that’s $2.13 billion). And there was a stipulation for any unnamed heir – which would be Jakey for $3 million (or $95.4 million in 2024).

To say that Jakey is bitter over the diminished amount cannot be overstated. Furthermore, his young and impetuous mother refuses the money and permanent widowhood to instead remarry her childhood friend and sweetheart William Dick in 1916. After which she will continually appeal to the Astor estate to expand Jakey’s living allowance to have a more appropriate life due to his station. In her legal complaints, Madeleine foots his lavish bills until repayment is possible. Madeleine will forever play the Titanic victim card whenever troubles for her or her future son Jakey surface.

William Dick is an adequate stepfather, and the couple have two more sons William Force Dick and John Henry Dick. Jakey gets along far better with his two younger half-brothers than his older half-brother Vincent. To say Vincent and Jakey detest each other is an understatement. Vincent constantly hints that Jakey is illegitimate and refuses to give his brother a better portion of the fortune.

Jakey spends his life trying to establish his credentials to match his illustrious family name. He is semi doing better, now graduated from Newport’s St. Georges and on to Harvard. Though not really a good student nor academically inclined, Jakey opts to take a long worldwide trip in 1932, but before heading to Honolulu he sends a corsage of orchids to New York to Princess Donna Cristina Torlonia of Italy, who debuted during the 1931-1932 social season. That 1932 summer they will meet in the Italian Alps, where they hike, ride horses, dance, and play tennis. Maybe he’s trying to be a dollar prince, though titles usually don’t flow in that direction. Alas Jakey heads back to the United States and eventually Harvard. Rumors ever since percolate that they are engaged to be married.

The story heats up as the couple have more interactions elsewhere. His mother Madeleine is thrilled with the idea and is even photographed escorting the young pretty blonde, blue-eyed princess about to the Belmont races and several fashionable resorts both in Europe and America. Which only fuels more speculation.

Then a leak in late January comes from a potential bridesmaid messaging her Italian admiral father in Mussolini-land over the pending nuptials, attention increases on the young couple as newspapers postulate will they or won’t they be married.

Mid-February to early March 1933

Meanwhile both of the couple’s families are in Palm Beach for the winter season. Madeleine and Jakey luckily avoid interacting with Vincent as he takes President-elect Franklin Roosevelt for one more fishing jaunt before the latter takes office, and afterwards Vincent heads out on his yacht Nourmahal down to the Galapagos for another exploration along with his former brother-in-law and newly divorced Prince Serge Obolensky.

Amidst the flurry of attention, Madeleine changes her mind and publicly states she thinks Jakey is too young to marry and should wait a little longer. Cristina’s mother Elsie Moore, herself a Brooklyn hardware heiress and former American dollar princess – or Dollar Duchess as the press formerly called her, also denies any engagement plans and preposterous due to their young ages. Despite that the debutante ball is a signal for courtship availability leading to marriage.

In 1933, the age of consent is 21 so both Jakey 20 and Cristina 18 or 19 are not old enough to marry without parental approval. Thus if that is really their intentions, they are thwarted first and foremost by their mothers.

The speculation abruptly ends on…

March 5th, 1933

When Cristina’s father Prince Don Marino Torlonia suddenly passes away in Rome.

Rumors will percolate for a month longer. Only for every rumor there is a counter rumor. And eventually some old rumors might come true.

It is a bit ironic that Madeleine is about to cause yet another scandal in her own right and all in the name of love again.

Now in late February 1933, amidst her son’s wedding nuptial rumors, whispers of a scandal are hinting in the gossip columns that Madeleine might soon file for divorce from her second husband William Dick. This seemingly silly, antiquated moss-covered rumor resurfaces and is quickly dismissed by none other than Cholly Knickerbocker as something that has plagued the couple frequently over the years. Only there may be some truth to that rumor after all, and it is far more scandalous. The gossip columnist remarks Madeleine is rarely seen out and about in the days of late. She has been keeping herself quite busy so it seems, and that usually means with someone or something but with whom or what is not known.

What isn’t publicly known is that over a year ago on January 1932, Madeleine traveled on the ocean liner Vulcania and met the hunky Italian boxer Enzo Fiermonte. His last name literally means “fiery mountain.” Nearly penniless, Enzo is a boxer who has spent several years on the circuit in Italy and trying to break into America to intermittent and not too great a success.

Immediately smitten in an age reversed scandal as her first marriage, the married 39 yr old Madeleine goes after the married Enzo, who at 24 is almost half her age. His youthful vigor, her wealth. Who really pursues whom… He yields, she yields, and the tryst is so intoxicating Madeleine loses part of her senses then pursues him relentlessly. The press picks up her extended stay in Italy and wonders if she might once again be headed for a potential divorce like back in 1924-1925. She claims no such plans and explains she remains abroad due to an illness of one of her children – much like in 1925 when Jakey caught typhoid.

Back in Florida, Madeleine hires Enzo to train her sons in boxing while continuing the affair. When Jakey heads on his world tour, she visits Los Angeles during the1932 Olympics, where she might be following Enzo around.

In the meantime, another young widow who remains unmarried Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt is applying for an increase in allowance for her daughter Gloria Vanderbilt. Only little Gloria’s aunts artist Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney and Countess Grace Vanderbilt Szechenyi are growing more concerned over their niece’s care. Mother Gloria’s twin sister Viscountess Thelma Morgan Furness’s own scandalous affair with Prince David, the Prince of Wales, future King Edward VIII and Duke of Windsor, will soon cause little Gloria greater troubles.

With so many scandals boiling to the surface, it’s getting all confusing. For now publicly, Enzo will not be mentioned with Madeleine until a bit later. But those in the know, know the truth.

We know young lovers are impetuous, but what about those young in heart and mind though not exactly in body? Oh, the troubles that await…

[Music – Lullaby by Coleman Hawkins, Album Nightfall – Sophisticated Jazz Classics]

Section 2 – History & Historiography

[Music Fade Out]

Love, social climbing, and fortune are such blended complications leading to the perfect storm of trouble.

Socially ambitious mothers groom their daughters to appeal to rich men, daughters marry up, but then problems arise…

First a side note, as repeatedly mentioned, names can be hard with multiple spellings trying to track down information. I have seen the following for Miss Torlonia in older newspapers and Time magazine refer to her as Cristiana / Christiana while in modern sources like Wikipedia Cristina / Christina, and both alternate with spellings Cr and Chr in the first part of the name. It seems to depend on the era and source which spelling. This even happens when I look up other family members to suss out the standardized spelling to no conclusive luck and actually quite honestly more confusion.

Ugh, the troubles of reconstructing a past and getting hung up on details, then again such digressions lead to interesting new pieces of information.

In 1893, Madeleine Talmage Force is born in Brooklyn to the well-off William Force who was an expressman / postal forwarding / shipping businessman and Katherine Talmage, the granddaughter of a former Brooklyn mayor. The family has two pretty daughters, older sister Katherine Force and Madeleine. In 1900, they later move to the better off enclave Murray Hill, New York, where their mother hopes to secure better matches. In this idyllic setting, the popular Madeleine has a sweet romance with nearby resident William Dick, the future banker and an heir to a sugar fortune.

Only in 1911, the newly divorced 46 year old John Jacob Astor IV, aka Colonel Jack, comes to visit friends and meets the young Madeleine. Smitten, Colonel Jack pursues Madeleine, or maybe it is Madeleine who pursues him pushed by her mother to go after the really big money. Young Madeleine hopes this will make her the new queen of society, as Jack’s mother had been the Caroline Astor. The press quickly dubs Madeleine the World’s Luckiest Girl and alternately refers to her more derisively as Only a Bird In A Gilded Cage.

Immediately, their marriage is a huge scandal due to their significant age difference so recently after his divorce from his first wife Ava *Lowle Willing. Madeleine is dropped from the Social Register and shunned in Newport, New York, and Bar Harbor societies. To let the heat die down, the newlyweds take a long honeymoon to Europe and the Mediterranean only to return upon Madeleine’s pregnancy when they booked passage aboard the Titanic.

As previously discussed, Jack dies while Madeleine survives and later gives birth to John Jacob Astor VI, aka Jakey, in August 1912. Her stepson Vincent Astor, who is only a few months older than her, inherits the vast sum of the Astor fortune. Vincent also suspects Jakey is not an Astor by blood and will hint at the bastard lineage as a reason in his refusal to share the fortune despite Vincent having no biological children of his own. Madeleine gets a very small sum in comparison with severe stipulations.

Oh how romantic to give up a fortune for love. Now mind you Madeleine Talmage Force Astor gives up access to the Astor home in New York and a nearly $5 million inheritance for another fortune about $2.5 million at the time (those are the equivalents of $141.5 million for $70.7 million in 2024). Her Astor son Jakey will still inherit his $3 million (or $84.9 million in 2024).

Not exactly going penniless, and life can be rather dull if you are cut off from zero contact of any romantic personal relationship starting around 19 yrs old. Can you really blame her? Still she doesn’t move on until about 4 years later.

Even sweeter, she doesn’t seem to marry for money but for love. She marries her childhood friend and sweetheart William Dick in 1916. Enthusiasm and social approval of this couple restores Madeleine to the Social Register set, though she remains fairly aloof over social approval after the previous harsh rejections.

So a perfect match right? Well, not exactly, it seems trouble haunts this couple all the way back to 1924 – 1925.

In fact, Madeleine seems to be a disaster magnet. As much as she avoids the Newport set after her re-marriage, she still manages to draw attention. And nearly every mention of her or Jakey alludes back to the Titanic.

In April 1924, it is noted that the Astor 840 Fifth Avenue mansion – the one John Jacob Astor IV constructed for his mother during the Waldorf-Astoria hotel debacle, will be torn down and replaced with a 12 story apartment building. This trend marks the continual decline of the Millionaires’ Row in Manhattan. The property is owned by Vincent Astor, but the article still mentions his deceased father’s widow and her abandonment of the property for love.

In May 1924, it is noted Madeleine does not join her husband William and their two sons aboard the Aquitania crossing the Atlantic until she recovers from an illness – the grip.

On March 18th, 1925, Madeleine stays at the Breakers Hotel in Florida while waiting to take over her new Palm Beach home. Remarks on her slim and youthful figure are attributed to how she remains active, like playing tennis and swimming.

At 4:20pm, a fire breaks out from an electric curling iron left on in the room occupied on by Chicago mayor “Big Bill” William Hale Thompson’s wife.

Shouting in the halls alerts the guests.

Many of whom have retired to their rooms to rest before the evening activities. Thus, many in their sleeping garments and bath robes are suddenly awakened by someone screaming fire, and they rush out of their rooms. Only a few have enough wits to grab a few items like jewelry. A day later, complaints will be made that personal belongings were tossed out by staff, and later an investigation will lead to a gang of 25 arrested for thefts and looting.

Other guests at the time included another Titanic survivor Margaret “the Unsinkable Molly” Brown, the future Mrs. Ziegfeld and Wizard of Oz’s Glinda the Good Witch actress Billie Burke, and Marjorie Merriweather Post Hutton.

Nearby the fire zone, endangered estates include those owned by E.T. Stotesbury, Joshua Cosden, and future America’s Cup winner and Alva Vanderbilt Belmont’s son Harold “Mike” Vanderbilt.

Later that year, Madeleine stays in Italy sparking rumors of a potential divorce. It will be later noted she did not attend another event while she was nursing one of her sons. She denounces the divorce chatter as nonsense.

In September 1925, the press reports that 13 yr old Jakey is ill with typhoid in Italy then transfers to Paris where he finally makes a recovery.

Later in October 1925, it is announced again that Madeleine and her husband William will be getting a divorce as she heads to Paris where the arrangements will be kept more confidential. After which, Madeleine plans to devote more time to her son Jakey. The reasons for the divorce are not clear and confuse many in her circle. Not sure when or why, but she eventually decides to return to William Dick. Though hints from then on, they will live slightly separate lives including periods of solo travel.

What happens in the intervening years to 1932 are little more of a mystery. What is later written about Madeleine is more in relation to her relationships with John Jacob Astor IV and Enzo Fiermonte. William Dick gets off with little mention except that he seems reasonable, kind, and stable. Which of course if at all true makes for a much less salacious tale to tell.

Only, this storyline was to be weaved a little later as my original knowledge of this situation is around a different event over a year into the future of our current timeline. When I first learned about the public story of Madeleine and Enzo is they meet around 1934 when Enzo comes to train her sons including Jakey Astor and William Dick for boxing.

It wasn’t until April 2023 that I stumbled across the note they met aboard the Vulcania, and in August 2023 I discover Ti’s Hot Mess History YouTube Channel and listened to more sordid details regarding Madeleine with both her first husband John Jacob Astor IV and later Enzo Fiermonte. However for our story purpose, I couldn’t force the intro until I stumbled across the right entry point. Only now I pick up in Cholly Knickerbocker’s syndicated column that refers to Jakey’s complicated nuptials with hints at Madeleine’s pending scandal.

And as we now firmly know, things have been happening for far longer, and the worst has yet to really come out. So hang on, because there is definitely more coming…

[Music – Skirts by Billy Cotton, Album The Great Dance Bands Play Hits of the 30s]

Section 3 – Contemporary & Personal Relevance

[Music Fade Out]

Scandal can be a very tricky thing to track down. So many lies, rumors, and cover ups, it’s hard to determine the specifics and the concrete.

Then there are also the justifications, the gaslighting, and the questions that remain. Ok, so maybe it’s none of our business, but yet somehow it really does become our business. Nothing makes a more interesting story than one tinged with sexual scandal and the sordid messiness of life.

Just look at Hulu & FX’s tv series Feud Season 2: Capote vs the Swans points out how promiscuous the upper class women his swans were – seems they may have been outdoing their husbands in the bedroom antics at times. Oh and yeah, William “Bill” Paley seems to have sampled a couple of the swans at some time or another, before, during, or after his marriage to Babe Paley.

Sexual scandals really can take a life of their own.

That can’t be better illustrated than in one of the major court cases hitting the news today – the Georgia case against former President Donald Trump’s interference in the 2020 presidential election. A side show circus has developed around the DA Fani Willis and her former lover – the lead prosecuting attorney Nathan Wade. The sexual antics and word play is just spiraling poorly out of control. It’s such a trainwreck I have a hard time looking away. Normally, when it comes to politics or finances, I will wait to see how things play out with the course of time. However. I cannot ignore all this hot messiness outside of the larger and more serious case at hand. Oh my god, how all this information is just pouring out is insane.

People really don’t like having certain details out in the public, but then it happens anyway, and we know with stories that juicy they will inevitably get retold.

Thus there is plenty left to tell about our heirs and heiresses as scandals around love and sex and fortunes put their messy lives on display.

I’m telling you – you need to check out Ti’s Hot Mess History YouTube channel. She goes into lots of scandalous details related to Madeleine Talmage Force Astor Dick. First in a multi-part on the Titanic, then Madeleine’s affair with Enzo Fiermonte, and then a whole other one focusing on her son John Jacob Astor VI – though not covering all the same stories that I am telling. Ti’s intense yet quick survey doesn’t reveal all the little things I will point out over our series. However she does point out some great salacious details and some other facts that I was unaware of – such as one of Jakey’s tutors wrote a thinly veiled portraiture of him. Check out Ti’s Hot Mess History, you won’t be disappointed. Links in the notes and transcript.

Ti’s Hot Mess History, YouTube Channel

Riches to Ruin – Titanic Widow of John Jacob Astor & Her Troubled 3rd Marriage by Ti’s Hot Mess History July 2023

The Scandalous True Story of Titanic’s Wealthiest Passenger – JJ Astor & His Teen Wife by Ti’s Hot Mess History May 2023

The Rich Boy Nobody Wanted: Titanic Baby John Jacob Astor VI by Ti’s Hot Mess History December 2023

If you enjoy As The Money Burns, then please share, like, & subscribe.


[Music – My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands]

Next when we return to AS THE MONEY BURNS…

A newly free prince is on the hunt for his next fortune, but could there be a new heiress in his sight?

Until then…


AS THE MONEY BURNS is an original podcast written, produced, and voiced by Nicki Woodard, based on historical research. Archival music has been provided by Past Perfect Vintage Music, check out their website at

Please come visit us at As The Money Burns via Goodpods, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook (now Meta), or Instagram. Transcripts, timeline, episode guide, and character bios are available at
