As The Money Burns

Most Eligible

Episode Summary

While one honeymoon falls apart, another set of bachelors appear on the matrimonial market. #BarbaraHutton, #PrinceMdivani, #honeymoon, #Stotesbury, #MarryingMdivanis, #politicalspeech, #Astor, #restoringthethrone Barbara Hutton, Prince Mdivani, honeymoon, Stotesbury, Marrying Mdivanis, political speech, Astor, restoring the throne June - July 1933, Barbara Hutton and Prince Alexis Mdivani continue on their honeymoon, while Woolworth family members, Doris Duke, and Louise Van Alen try to avoid residual press scrutiny. Meanwhile on July 20th, 1933, Jakey Astor prepares to be the most popular bachelor in Newport this summer, Jimmy Cromwell gives a speech at Whitemarsh Hall for his new book, and Prince Serge Mdivani and Prince David Mdivani return from overseas to deal with their divorces, citizenship, and potential bid to restore their royal thrones. Other people and subjects include: Doris Duke, John Jacob Astor VI aka “Jakey,” Louise Van Alen – formerly Princess Mdivani, James HR Cromwell aka “Jimmy,” Huntington Hartford, Vincent Astor, Daisy Van Alen, Eva Stotesbury, E.T. Stotesbury, Franklyn Hutton, Irene Hutton, Germaine “Ticki” Touquet, Prince David Mdivani, Princess Mae Murray Mdivani, Prince Serge Mdivani, Princess Mary McCormic Mdivani, Princess Nina Mdivani Huberich, Charles Huberich, General Zahkari Mdivani, Jessie Woolworth Donahue, James “Jeem” Donahue aka Jimmy, Woolworth “Wooly” Donahue, Helena Woolworth McCann, Helena McCann, Caroline Astor, John Jacob Astor IV aka “Jack,” Madeleine Talmage Force Astor Dick, William Dick, Enzo Fiermonte, Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, Jr., Alice Vanderbilt, Donna Cristina Torlonia (Christina, Cristiana, Christiana), LeBrun “Brunie” Rhinelander, Mrs. Jock Whitney – Bessie Dobson Altemus Eastman, Lord Poulett – Earl of Poulett, Bridget Poulett, Prince Michael Romanoff, President Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, Mahatma Gandhi, Russian imperial throne, Georgian royal throne, citizenship, Tinseltown army – militia, Republican Women’s Committee of Philadelphia, ocean liners – Rex, Europa, Italy, Titanic, Lusitania, Venice, Lido, Newport, New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Reno, Saratoga, Southampton, Wooldon Manor, Whitemarsh Hall, Ali Baba motorboat, Voice of Young America book, biographies, documentaries, increased press coverage, press target, condemnation, praise, orchidaceous, camera shy, heartfree, modern influencer, Nancy Randolph, romance and scandal, divorces, honeymoon, diet, mono focus in history, parallel events and people, Jennifer Anniston, Angelina Jolie, love triangles, females pitted against each other, public humiliation, teasers, wealthy, celebrity, press attention, August 2024 Stock Market Crash, American Dow, Magnificent Seven Stocks – Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta – Facebook, Microsoft, Nvidia, Tesla, 1929 Stock Market Crash,… Archival Music provided by Past Perfect Vintage Music,

Episode Notes

While one honeymoon falls apart, another set of bachelors appear on the matrimonial market.

#BarbaraHutton, #PrinceMdivani, #honeymoon, #Stotesbury, #MarryingMdivanis, #politicalspeech, #Astor, #restoringthethrone

Barbara Hutton, Prince Mdivani, honeymoon, Stotesbury, Marrying Mdivanis, political speech, Astor, restoring the throne

June - July 1933, Barbara Hutton and Prince Alexis Mdivani continue on their honeymoon, while Woolworth family members, Doris Duke, and Louise Van Alen try to avoid residual press scrutiny. Meanwhile on July 20th, 1933, Jakey Astor prepares to be the most popular bachelor in Newport this summer, Jimmy Cromwell gives a speech at Whitemarsh Hall for his new book, and Prince Serge Mdivani and Prince David Mdivani return from overseas to deal with their divorces, citizenship, and potential bid to restore their royal thrones.

Other people and subjects include: Doris Duke, John Jacob Astor VI aka “Jakey,” Louise Van Alen – formerly Princess Mdivani, James HR Cromwell aka “Jimmy,” Huntington Hartford, Vincent Astor, Daisy Van Alen, Eva Stotesbury, E.T. Stotesbury, Franklyn Hutton, Irene Hutton, Germaine “Ticki” Touquet, Prince David Mdivani, Princess Mae Murray Mdivani, Prince Serge Mdivani, Princess Mary McCormic Mdivani, Princess Nina Mdivani Huberich, Charles Huberich, General Zahkari Mdivani, Jessie Woolworth Donahue, James “Jeem” Donahue aka Jimmy, Woolworth “Wooly” Donahue, Helena Woolworth McCann, Helena McCann, Caroline Astor, John Jacob Astor IV aka “Jack,” Madeleine Talmage Force Astor Dick, William Dick, Enzo Fiermonte, Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, Jr., Alice Vanderbilt, Donna Cristina Torlonia (Christina, Cristiana, Christiana), LeBrun “Brunie” Rhinelander, Mrs. Jock Whitney – Bessie Dobson Altemus Eastman, Lord Poulett – Earl of Poulett, Bridget Poulett, Prince Michael Romanoff, President Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, Mahatma Gandhi, Russian imperial throne, Georgian royal throne, citizenship, Tinseltown army – militia, Republican Women’s Committee of Philadelphia, ocean liners – Rex, Europa, Italy, Titanic, Lusitania, Venice, Lido, Newport, New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Reno, Saratoga, Southampton, Wooldon Manor, Whitemarsh Hall, Ali Baba motorboat, Voice of Young America book, biographies, documentaries, increased press coverage, press target, condemnation, praise, orchidaceous, camera shy, heartfree, modern influencer, Nancy Randolph, romance and scandal, divorces, honeymoon, diet, mono focus in history, parallel events and people, Jennifer Anniston, Angelina Jolie, love triangles, females pitted against each other, public humiliation, teasers, wealthy, celebrity, press attention, August 2024 Stock Market Crash, American Dow, Magnificent Seven Stocks – Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta – Facebook, Microsoft, Nvidia, Tesla, 1929 Stock Market Crash,…


Extra Notes / Call to Action:
Mansions of the Gilded Age & The Gilded Age Society by Gary Lawrance
Instagram: @MansionsoftheGildedAge and @TheGildedAgeSociety

New York Adventure Club

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Archival Music provided by Past Perfect Vintage Music,
Opening Music: My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands
Section 1 Music: If This Is Only The Beginning by Billy Ternent, Album Elegance
Section 2 Music: Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue by The Savoy Orpheans, Album Fascinating Rhythm – Great Hits of the 20s
Section 3 Music: It Had To Be You by Carroll Gibbons, Album It’s Got To Be Love
End Music: My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands

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Episode Transcription

Podcast by Nicki Woodard

Episode 117 – Most Eligible

Eligible bachelor

Series Tag

[Music – My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands]

AS THE MONEY BURNS is an original podcast by Nicki Woodard. Based on historical research, this is a deep exploration into what happened to a set of actual heirs and heiresses to some of America’s most famous fortunes when the Great Depression hits.

Each episode has three primary sections. Section 1 is a narrative story. Section 2 goes deeper into the historical facts. Section 3 focuses on contemporary, emotional, and personal connections.

Story Recap

Barbara Hutton and Prince Alexis Mdivani have a big wedding in Paris, while his brothers get served divorce papers.



Most Eligible

[Music Fade Out]

Episode Tag

While one honeymoon falls apart, another set of bachelors appear on the matrimonial market.

[Music – If This Is Only The Beginning by Billy Ternent, Album Elegance]

Section 1 – Story

[Music Fade Out]

June to July 1933, many are in route to their summer destinations and all the possibilities.

At the Villa d’Este, royal newlyweds honeymoon at a magnificent country house at a large estate with two golf courses, tennis courts, and swimming pools. From Scotland, a horseshoe of heather is flown to Paris then delivered to the flower filled suite among 37 other bouquets. 13 trunks follow the bride for her alone, with over 50 pieces total for the whole entourage. The budding fashionista, slightly chubby heiress Barbara Hutton now Princess Mdivani begins her life as a married woman in turmoil.

A not-so erotic ending after a very romantic and fairytale day. The big church wedding was one better than she could ever imagine or hoped for, and it is the most photographed wedding to date. Readers knew everything except the final detail over whether her wedding night lingerie had the Mdivani coronet or not.

Publicly, the orchidaceous Barbara is lauded for her taste, sophistication, and fashion sense. Such a contrast to her reality...

Over the next days and weeks, the ruggedly handsome no longer impoverished Russian Prince Alexis Mdivani continues his disparaging remarks about his new wife’s less than svelte figure. Her breasts, her stomach, her unappealing physique… The Prince wooed her heavily up until the night of their wedding, then as the train headed out for their honeymoon his complaints began.

Now as serene lakes surround Barbara, she frets away worrying about her weight. Traveling with a lighter entourage, her faithful companion and surrogate mother Germaine “Ticki” Touquet listens to the young bride’s already marital woes.

Alas, they consider different options to help Barbara lose some sudden weight. Her Rubenesque figure in a world and time that favors the ultra slim silhouette. Roughly, she is about 5’ 4” and 148 pounds. Barbara engages in what she terms a Gandhi diet, meaning practical starvation comprised mainly of coffee for three weeks at a time. She quickly whittles away the excess fat she has never been able to shed before.

Furthermore, Barbara faces criticism from her family, mostly her plump white haired Aunt Helena Woolworth McCann detests the constant press attention. It spills over not only from the infamous Marrying Mdivani clan but to the Woolworths as well. Ironically, even the disapproval gets noted and registered in the headlines.

Sunday, June 25th, 1933

Also trying to avoid publicity, camera shy former Society It Girl heiress Louise Van Alen secretly boards the Italian ocean liner Rex two minutes before leaving dock. The photographers snap a glance of the former Princess Mdivani later staring out of a porthole as the ship takes off.

A week later…

Monday, July 3rd, 1933

Another fake royal Prince Michael Romanoff is released from prison after serving his 90 day jail sentence due to his last “accidental stowaway” trip and unlawful entry into the United States. His outfit will be the same in which he entered – all brown, brown checked suit, brown felt hat, Nazi shirt, and tan oxfords. He is under 3 years strict probation, and if found in violation will serve 3 to 10 years or more in detention.

Wednesday, July 5th, 1933

Aunt Jessie Woolworth Donahue heads back to the United States with her sons Woolworth “Woolly” Donahue and James “Jeem” Donahue. The latter who seemingly won’t be joining cousin Barbara in Venice as hoped, and she probably could use his uplifting humor right now. Instead, Jessie plans to head to Saratoga and Southampton for the summer and return to Wooldon Manor for the first time since the death of her husband James Donahue back in 1931. Many renovations have been done recently to the property including a new jetty on the beach front and water system for the swimming pool.

Franklyn Hutton and his wife Irene Hutton head to Biarritz likely to eventually meet up with the newlyweds.

While Aunt Helena takes her own daughter Helena McCann back to London removing them from prying eyes. Last year’s pretty debutante is notably heartfree but has caught the attention of Lord Poulett (*Earl of Poulett), a former admirer of Doris Duke and whose own sister Bridget Poulett is highly fashionable. Could there be another pending wedding on the horizon?

Not far behind,…

Friday, July 14th, 1933

Prince David Mdivani and Prince Serge Mdivani return to the United States with intentions of addressing their divorces from Mae Murray and Mary McCormic respectively. With that agenda, they travel with their sister Princess Nina Mdivani Huberich and her star lawyer husband Charles Huberich, who adeptly handles all matrimonial legal endeavors for his in-laws.

At the same time, Prince Alexis and Barbara make their way to Venice and Lido, where Franklyn Hutton’s gift should soon arrive – the 60 foot motorboat Ali Baba, an abbreviation of Alexis and Barbara’s names.

Also heartfree and camera shy, the no longer awkward tall heiress Doris Duke too stays away from the press and seemingly without wedding plans or a marriage proposal for that matter.

But while the Mdivani – Hutton marriage is having a rough start, many still hope to find love despite the more reluctant heiresses Doris, Louise, and Helena. There are many potential bachelors appearing, whether returning or debuting, onto the marital market.

The anticipation of eligible bachelors is causing a bit of a flurry. Hmmm, let’s see who they might be…

Thursday, July 20th, 1933

Before the Newport season begins, those matrimonially minded ladies salivate over what has been for decades the unofficial engagement season. With that agenda, the most eligible bachelor has been chosen --

The proud scion John Jacob Astor VI, aka Jakey, also known as the Titanic baby having survived the disaster in utero while his father John Jacob Astor IV, aka “Jack,” was the richest man to die while his teen bride and then pregnant Madeleine Talmage Force Astor survives. Jakey was recently connected to Italian Princess Donna Cristina (Christiana – Christina) Torlonia and has since been affiliated with other potential socialites like LeBrun “Brunie” Rhinelander. The press celebrates this heartfree bachelor who soon too will come into his fortune this August 1933.

Normally, Jakey would revel in such a grand acknowledgement. He is after all the grandson of former Society Gilded Age queen bee Caroline Astor, and as his older half-brother Vincent Astor has not fulfilled the proper Society gentlemanly role within the family Jakey plans to assert himself instead. The brothers have an ongoing dispute over the vastly uneven fortune as well as Vincent hinting at Jakey’s potential illegitimacy. Whatever the case or amount, Jakey turns 21 on his birthday this August and thus will inherit his fortune free from both Vincent and Madeleine’s supervision. For Jakey, that alone cannot come soon enough.

Above all, Jakey like his grandmother Caroline detests scandal. Especially as scandal has plagued him pre-birth and ever since more ongoing speculation, with another round once again due to his mother Madeleine.

Though now in her late 30s, Madeleine has retained enough of her youthful figure and definitely spirit. Her love life remains problematic. First marrying Jack when she was in her teens, then giving up her Astor inheritance and widowhood to marry for love her childhood sweetheart William Dick. And now, divorcing Dick, for her hot younger lover Italian boxer Enzo Fiermonte nearly half her age.

Press reports back on June 17th, 1933, that for the divorce Madeleine has taken residence in Reno, Nevada. Rumors immediately hint that Enzo will be soon the future husband #3.

During the current press flurry surrounding Jakey, he confirms the rumors about his mother are very likely to be true and that he himself has cut off contact and has no interest in participating or encouraging such reckless behavior.

Jakey isn’t the only anticipated heir this summer. Another young eligible blueblood bachelor is Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, Jr., who too will turn 21 and inherit what remains of the diminishing Vanderbilt fortune. His father died upon the Lusitania spinning the fortune further out of control as it dissipated via multiple brothers / his uncles and grandmother Alice Vanderbilt.

Next over in Philadelphia, there is a return to grandeur as the ostentatious and lavish Stotesburys reopen Whitemarsh Hall after nearly a year away. Eva Stotesbury hosts a book launch party for her son the obliviously handsome heir to two fortunes and still divorced James HR Cromwell, aka “Jimmy.” Jimmy has just published his first book The Voice of Young America.

The polite and lovely 600 ladies fan themselves while sitting on the French chateau furnishings. In diamonds and pearls, the resplendent Eva just before the speech asks the audience to “be patient with my new public speaker” who has opened her eyes and converted her to his views.

Then dressed in all summer white, Mrs. Jock Whitney – formerly Bessie Dobson Altemus Eastman – introduces the speaker Jimmy.

This Democrat author and new President Franklin Delano Roosevelt supporter shocks the members of the Republican Women’s Committee of Philadelphia with details of his view on America and economics.

Working up in a fervor, Jimmy lashes out and warns these GOP ladies the younger generation is fed up with both parties and wanting new options. He remarks the Constitution is outworn. The government under both parties is corrupt, wasteful, and inefficient, with oppression coming from a few at the top. The need to address starvation and misery in the richest nation of the world. Eva nods along as he rails against --

“half-baked futile efforts of reformers – those well-meant but useless sprinklings of perfume upon a cesspool of graft and corruption.”

He also claims that “a new President, backed by aroused public opinion, asks and receives from a cowed Congress the role of super dictator.”

In front of a portrait of stepfather financier and ultra-conservative E.T. Stotesbury, Jimmy quotes Abraham Lincoln:

“ ‘This country with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional rights of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember and overthrow it.’

“This is our authority, the shining sword with which we will cut the Gordian knot of antiquated government. Our courage must not falter, nor must we doubt our ability to blaze a new trail.’ ”

Jimmy admits he is currently a Democrat as it is more liberal of the parties right now and derides the “old guard” Republicans.

At the end, the applause is negligible, and there is a deal of head wagging and dismay. The silent disapproval has little impact on Jimmy, as he intends to expose them to new ideas and hopes that eventually will assist in opening their minds.

After the speech, the 600 women head for refreshment and wander around the enormous estate’s Versailles style gardens, where the ladies soak in the beauty while regaining their self-composure.

Meanwhile the rambunctious press explodes with a new revelation from Los Angeles – the popular Marrying Mdivanis Prince Serge Mdivani and Prince David Mdivani are making plans to invade Soviet Russia to re-establish the Russian and Georgian thrones.

The allegation comes mostly from soon to be ex-wife opera singer Princess Mary McCormic Mdivani. She claims that part of the $40k (eh-hem almost $968k in 2024) that her husband and eldest brother Prince Serge Mdivani borrowed from her was for the purpose of building and training an army. At least 400 in Tinseltown with blue uniforms, and that she had been asked to sing and perform for the troops both as a morale booster and as a fundraiser. Also soon to be ex-sister-in-law actress-singer-dancer “Girl with the Bee Stung Lips” Princess Mae Murray Mdivani confirms her husband middle brother Prince David Mdivani’s interest in restoring power.

Mary refuses to participate and makes the condition of any potential reconciliation only likely if Serge gives up the intent to restore the royal throne, replicating Barbara’s own father Franklyn’s condition before approving the marriage to the youngest Mdivani brother prince. Oh, and there is mention of the title Queen Barbara I of Georgia, but since when does a throne get shared 3 ways?

Upon returning from Paris after their father’s funeral and brother’s wedding, the two older princely brothers arrive aboard the Europa with their sister Princess Nina Mdivani Huberich and her husband lawyer Charles Huberich.

Perfumed and dressed elegantly, the Mdivanis gladly greet the fanatical press. They immediately identify themselves as –

Serge – “I’m Mary.”

David – “I’m Mae.”

Really, can one be surprised? After all, David did once list his profession as “husband” on a speeding ticket in Santa Monica, California.

Then they point to Charles saying they are here to settle the divorce suits, and each brother implies they themselves will be seeking support from their formerly lucrative wives. They do however poo-poo the talk of an actual military campaign, stating they participate in a militia group for fun and camaraderie, nothing else. They quite like the American lifestyle and are close to finalizing their American citizenship and plan to keep it that way.

Surely, Stalin is relieved. Though highly unlikely the Soviet regime was shaking over these polo player playboys and their Hollywood troop, which now alleges was merely prepping for a film.

The Soviet Union might be safe, but the hearts of heiresses might not be…

[Music – Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue by The Savoy Orpheans, Album Fascinating Rhythm – Great Hits of the 20s]

Section 2 – History & Historiography

[Music Fade Out]

This has been a winding tale indeed, and just when I think things will get a little settled I uncover more wild and crazy new details. By now I have amassed quite a bit of research for this series via a compilation of books, a few websites, and many, many articles – some magazines but primarily 98% period newspapers. To date, over 5,000 articles and still growing.

Now the articles are first and foremost to help track down and accurately identify dates and details as well as flesh out the ambiance and situation in the context within in which it is happening. But oh, what I am uncovering now are long lost and forgotten details – like the army and invasion plans for a nonexistent throne, a kidnapping plot, and potential romances. It gets even better as these details illustrate and connect the stories and people further.

So many times, when we study history. We study a situation, event, or a person with a narrow mono focus. I however have always been interested in the parallel events and situations. This comparison of things for better reference and understanding because rarely do things happen only in a vacuum.

Out of the primary heirs and heiresses only Barbara Hutton and Doris Duke have been heavily written about as in multiple books and documentaries. The next might be Huntington Hartford but more in the nature of articles and news pieces, and very little in the way outside of those within his world would have paid attention. John Jacob Astor VI, aka Jakey, is written in relation to his family or Huntington, but other than occasional news items not too much focus on his own. And Jakey’s cousin Louise Van Alen hardly at all except as small mention in relation to Barbara and only in context of Barbara and outside of that focus goes to her mother Daisy Van Alen’s relation to Newport.

Ditto many recurring characters arrive in our story as their names appeared when following the larger main stories. Each a reference with very little context. And for me, that doesn’t feel sufficient, even for a footnote reference I want more context.

As well, I don’t want to just repeat general references – as in the media dislike and hounding of both Doris and Barbara, but what was said and when. Concrete facts, scandals, details, details, details,… All of the 4 biographies on Barbara talk about how she is vilified in the press. After her December 1930 debutante ball, she does become a target of more press, but it hasn’t been necessarily all that negative, most of that does come but possibly later and not sure how soon within our own timeline of the primary events to be covered.

But now during this story’s period June 1933, with the Hutton – Mdivani wedding, the floodgates have opened up, though relatively more positive and curious so far. Likewise, the words camera shy and heartfree are now popping up in relation to several people like Doris, Louise, Jakey, and others in contrast to Barbara and the endless want of similar stories. Of course, we know and have seen plenty of celebrities who will get a wave of approval only to eventually turn into condemnation. So it is interesting to see how Barbara is portrayed.

The press is noting all things fashionable – nails, hair, clothes, hats, jewelry,… Everything, you would think of her as a modern influencer. Then there are the words so very flattering. Orchidaceous sticks out. The actual definition is 1st relating to orchids, blooming, and beauty, while the 2nd definition implies showy and ostentatious. Likely a mixture of both, but the New York Daily News article by gossip columnist Nancy Randoph in which the adjective appears is definitely more flattering towards Barbara, and that is obvious because it is in contrast to the referencing of Louise as unworldly – and not in the ethereal sense but as in unsophisticated and boring. Why would there be the need to diss Louise so publicly especially as she plays the nice quiet good girl game?

It reminds you about the whole Jennifer Anniston – Angelina Jolie debate, or anytime women are pitted against each other in a love triangle publicly. The need to take sides on matters really none of our business and where our opinions hardly make the deciding factors for those involved. Only adding to the humiliation in the long run.

But alas, the wealthy were and are subject of high interest. My recent trip for new and old familiar resources has yielded some interesting new twists and flavors to our story, which will be revealed in the upcoming months.

Definitely, this is one twisted tale that gets more convoluted with each new discovery. But don’t worry I do plan to reveal all within the process of good timing and story.

[Music – It Had To Be You by Carroll Gibbons, Album It’s Got To Be Love]

Section 3 – Contemporary & Personal Relevance

[Music Fade Out]

Whether you consider history as something that rhymes, repeats, or recycles, there is without a doubt patterns and situations that recur throughout time. Largely, that is based on consistencies within human nature itself.

We don’t have to always be exactly the same and definitely not all the time. But we do have set points within our makeup that will respond to situations and dynamics within predictable ranges. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as psychology if everything was random or if everything was reliably the same.

It is somewhat surprising how eerily close some of the same arguments that Jimmy Cromwell presents in his 1933 political speech could be stated exactly in today’s times as we approach the 2024 American presidential election as well as similar elections in other nations. Whether similar or different party lines, the perception of dire circumstances and not too hyperbolic for it was the Great Depression back then and today well we know is definitely a mess too.

Adding to that, only recently the August 5th, 2024 Stock Market crash is the lowest point on the American Dow in 2 years since December 2022. Over $650 billion is the estimated loss for companies deemed the Magnificent Seven – Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta / Facebook, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla. Followed by one of the best days of trading by the end of the week and possible recovery. Speculation asks if this is a temporary blip or could it become a series leading to a similar 1929 Wall Street Crash, which took almost 2 decades to recover. This time around we might handle things differently – certain procedures and methods of dealing with company implosions to recuperate some of the costs. But who knows if this is the beginning of an even larger situation, and we know what the other one led to…

But if we can learn one past lesson from this series – be on the lookout because change is inevitable. For every circumstance, there is a rise and a fall. Both good and bad. Scams will be exposed while new ones form. Fortunes made and lost. Somethings happen for the better and others for the worst. What we see initially on the surface might not be true. And still, in most situations time slowly reveals all.

I really want this episode to be lighter and more humorous in nature, as we can certainly enjoy the irony of certain circumstances as we know those particular situations ended more benignly. The ambiance of an era and time – the reinvigoration of romance and wishful fantasy. The fascination with the wealthy serves as a distraction from more serious surrounding circumstances.

More stories yet to come as our heirs and heiresses have plenty of challenges and scandals to face while fortunes are at stake.

Want to see some of the places mentioned? Check out Gary Lawrance’s Mansions of the Gilded Age and The Gilded Age Society on both Instagram and Meta / Facebook. He regularly features photos of both Wooldon Manor and Whitemarsh Hall and their owners. Gary also has the YouTube Channel Mansions of the Gilded Age and hosts webinars via New York Adventure Club. Gary gives wonderful and elaborate details on the architecture and stories of those involved.

Links in the notes and transcript.

Mansions of the Gilded Age & The Gilded Age Society by Gary Lawrance
Instagram: @MansionsoftheGildedAge and @TheGildedAgeSociety

New York Adventure Club

If you enjoy As The Money Burns, then please share, like, & subscribe.


[Music – My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands]

Next when we return to AS THE MONEY BURNS…

As tough times persist, several dangers lie ahead for dreams, fortunes, and more importantly life itself.

Until then…


AS THE MONEY BURNS is an original podcast written, produced, and voiced by Nicki Woodard, based on historical research. Archival music has been provided by Past Perfect Vintage Music, check out their website at

Please come visit us at As The Money Burns via Goodpods, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook (now Meta), or Instagram. Transcripts, timeline, episode guide, and character bios are available at
